Sunday, February 6, 2011

Everyday India III

1) The Power Belly
After only one week in India, we have all noted a phenomenon that Cristine has coined the 'power belly'. The power belly describes the large, round abdomens that protrude from the saris of select Indian women, most commonly middle aged and elderly women. Usually the said women are quite thin everywhere else but the belly.  In a country where showing even a bit of ankle is considered risqué, it seemed strange to me that this belly baring was kosher, but it not only is prominent everywhere but also quite an asset. Power bellies are helpful in boxing out one's personal space on a crowded bus, cutting in line, or just in making one look powerful and strong. I actually quite admire them, and am working on one myself with all the fantastic Indian food I am eating everyday.

2)  Man love
Man love is the term that Michael has used to describe the physical affection displayed in India between men. We first noted it on one of our early rickshaw rides when we passed men on their motorcycles, each driving with one hand and holding hands with the other. We were a bit bemused by this, but throughout the week we have seen acts of man love' everywhere, and it's honestly quite beautiful. They celebrate their kinship by walking hand in hand down the street, long embraces and openly displaying their kindness and love to one another. Living in America where it's ingrained that this behavior would be deemed as homosexual, I am perhaps more hyper-aware to their interactions though it makes me happy to see men celebrate their friendships as openly as women do theirs.  Guys, have you hugged your buds today?

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